Premier Paving Stone Installation Company in Norwalk, Connecticut
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Mega-Tandem™ Stone Retaining Walls

Stone Textured

Mega-Tandem™ Stone Retaining Walls Mega-Tandem™ MSRW™ system designed by Belgard® provides the natural appearance of chiseled stone that will complement any hardscape. The innovative, versatile system can be used to create attractive, curved or straight retaining and freestanding, landscape walls. Great for use in a wide range of hardscape projects.


12 x 24 x 3
Tandem CapTandem Cap
15 x 24 x 3 1/4
22 5/16" Connector22 5/16" Connector
Supports gravity walls up to 6'
41 5/16" Connector41 5/16" Connector
Supports gravity walls up to 10'


Danville Blend
Danville Blend
Silex Blend
Silex Blend
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