Premier Paving Stone Installation Company in Norwalk, Connecticut
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Mega-Urbana™ Patio Slab

Stone Textured

Mega-Urbana™ Patio Slab Mega-Urbana™ Patio Slab's chiseled textures and contours combine with its random shapes and patterns to recall the look and feel of vintage cut stone. Mega-Urbana™ Patio Slab is offered in a versatile three-piece modular system.


3-Piece Modular3-Piece Modular
11 13/16 x 5 7/8 x 2 3/8
3-Piece Modular3-Piece Modular
11 13/16 x 11 13/16 x 2 3/8
3-Piece Modular3-Piece Modular
11 13/16 x 17 11/16 x 2 3/8


Brittany Blend
Brittany Blend
Danville Blend
Danville Blend
Sable Blend
Sable Blend
Silex Blend
Silex Blend


Pattern A, Pattern B, Pattern C
Pattern A, Pattern B, Pattern C
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